
Finland has been active in developing the IMO Polar Code and supporting its effective implementation at the IMO, the Arctic Council and the Antarctic Treaty System. As a steward of sustainable shipping especially in cold ice-covered waters and a global leader in designing, building and innovating new solutions for icebreakers and other ice-going vessels, Finland wishes to keep contributing to the further development of safe and sustainable Arctic shipping as well as the development of the IMO Polar Code.

Effective implementation of the Polar Code will increase the demand for specialised know-how and technology related to winter navigation and operating in a cold climate. Finland can offer a breadth of expertise in, for example, the design and building of ice-class vessels and icebreakers, as well as in environmental measuring technology and oil spill response in ice-covered waters. As all fairways to Finnish ports can freeze in wintertime, Finnish companies have also developed world-class products and solutions for fairway maintenance in icy waters. Specialised ice buyos and other navigational aids that withstand harsh winter conditions and heavy ice loads are produced in Finland.

To reinforce Arctic navigation skills and expertise, coordinated action is called for to develop training, research, administrative cooperation and, in particular, cooperation with the other Arctic countries. Owing to the nature of the competition and markets in the sector, contacts with the government agencies of other countries are essential. Often, the best practices developed in the Baltic Sea region offer highly suitable export products for the Arctic market. Moreover, Finland is in a position to offer new types of services to facilitate safe transportation and contribute to the preservation of the marine environment. Finland possesses first-rate expertise in mechanical oil recovery in ice conditions – a technology that is vital for Arctic sea areas.

Contacts in the Finnish Government for questions related to Arctic shipping and the IMO Polar Code:

Mr. Eero Hokkanen
Senior Specialist
Ministry of Transport and Communications
eero.hokkanen (a)
mob. +358 50 476 0401

Dr. Anita Mäkinen
Chief Adviser
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency
anita.makinen (a)
mob. +358 40 162 4592

Mr. Markus Karjalainen
Head of the Winter Navigation Unit
Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency
markus.karjalainen (a)
tel. +358 295 343 422

Ms. Ulla Lainio
Program Director, Arctic Maritime and Offshore
Business Finland
ulla.lainio (at)
mob. +358 40 343 3357

Links to responsible Government Agencies and key stakeholders