Topic: Inspection/Enforcement Procedures and Results

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

US Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District

Regulatory Overview
Violations and Enforcement

MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT between US Army and EPA on Clean Water Act
Modification to January 1989 Army Corps of Engineers and EPA MOA Letter - Feb 1994
Guidance Regarding Clean Water Act Document

Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement BSEE

Inspection Policy Branch

Civil Penalties Program The goal of the OCS Civil Penalties Program is to assure safe and clean operations on the OCS. Through the pursuit, assessment, and collection of civil penalties and referrals for the consideration of criminal penalties, the program is designed to encourage compliance with OCS statutes and regulations.

Civil Penalties Assessments and Appeals

If BSEE determines that a violation occurred and a civil penalty is appropriate, it will develop a case file and forward it to a Reviewing Officer pursuant to 30 C.F.R. part 250, subpart N.
Program Status (Updated through December 31, 2008)

Historical Civil Penalties & Notices

Historical Civil Penalties Summary of Historical Civil Penalties Paid Calendar Year 2009 Calendar Year 2008 Calendar Year 2007 Calendar Year 2006 Calendar Year 2005 Calendar Year 2004 Calendar Year 2003 Calendar Year 2002 Calendar Year 2001 Calendar Year 2000

Chronology of OCS Civil Penalties Program

Chronology of the Civil Penalties - The goal of the OCS Civil Penalties Program is to assure safe and clean operations on the OCS. Through the pursuit, assessment, and collection of civil penalties, the program is designed to encourage compliance with OCS statutes and regulations.

Safety & Incident Investigations

Incident Reporting

Listing and Status of Incident Investigations

Offshore Incident Investigations

Safety Enforcement

Enforcement Tools

Safety and Environmental Management Systems (SEMS)

SEMS successes, challenges and recommendations based on analysis of 3rd round SEMS audit results and SEMS corrective actions

Preparedness Verification

Preparedness Verification is one of the three essential roles of BSEE’s Oil Spill Preparedness Program. BSEE must ensure that owners and operators of offshore oil facilities are trained and equipped to respond to oil spills from the time they drill their first well until the last platform is removed. The Oil Spill Preparedness Division (OSPD) administers the Bureau’s oil spill preparedness regulatory requirements for offshore facilities discussed in 30 CFR Part 254.

Seafloor Compliance, Assessment, and Monitoring Program (SCAMP)

Environmental Compliance | Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (

Exercise and Training Compliance | Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (

Safety Enforcement | Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (

Inspection Policy Branch

Potential Incident of Noncompliance

Offshore Incident Statistics

Environmental Compliance:

BSEE OCS Operation Forms

Fish and Wildlife Service

US Fish and Wildlife Law Enforcement | Alaska Region

Department of Homeland Security Coast Guard

Inspections & Compliance (CG-5PC)

Office of Investigations & Casualty Analysis

Safety Alerts

2692 Reporting Forms & NVIC 01-15

Marine Casualty Reports (

Drug and Alcohol Program

Marine Casualty and Pollution Data for Researchers

EPA Region 10 (Pacific Northwest)


Compliance and Enforcement

State of Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development

Reports and Charts
Enforcement Actions 2011-2020

State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation