Topic: Monitoring Methods and Results
EPA Region 10 (Pacific Northwest)
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency Alaska | NOAA Fisheries
US Fish and Wildlife Service Alaska Region
Bureau of Land Management Alaska
State of Alaska
Department of Environmental Conservation
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Alaska Environmental Studies
- Ongoing Studies Table
- Environmental Studies Program Information System (ESPIS)
- Alaska Scientific and Technical Publications
United States Arctic Observing Network: The United States Arctic Observing Network (U.S. AON) is an initiative to promote sustained and well-defined networks of Arctic observations through collaborative development across U.S. Federal agencies and other partners.
Distributed Biological Observatory: The Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO) is a multidisciplinary Arctic ocean sampling program supported by the NOAA’s Arctic Research Program. ARP supports an annual scientific cruise to the Pacific Arctic region during which U.S. scientists take a wide range of physical, chemical, and biological samplings.
International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere: The International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere (IASOA) coordinates the activities of individual Arctic observatories to provide a collaborative international network for Arctic atmospheric research and operations.
Alaska Science Center - Science
AK Science Portal: The portal is a searchable, web map-based tool to facilitate public and partner access to information on over 200 subjects under USGS study in the Nation's largest State.
North Slope Science Initiative – Fostering Science Collaboration on Alaska's North Slope
The mission of the North Slope Science Initiative (NSSI) is to improve the scientific and regulatory understanding of Alaska’s North Slope in the context of resource development and environmental change and to identify data and information products that management agencies and governments will need in the future.
The North Slope Borough Wildlife Management
The Department of Wildlife Management facilitates sustainable harvest and monitors populations of fish and wildlife species through scientific research, indigenous ecological knowledge, leadership, and advocacy from local to international levels.
EPA Region 10 (Pacific Northwest)
- USEPA Region 10 Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Program Overview
- NPDES General Permit for Oil and Gas Geotechnical Surveys and Related Activities in Federal Waters of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas | US EPA
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
Monitoring Program: The Environmental Compliance Monitoring Program was developed to ensure environmentally safe and sound operations. Monitoring Program | Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency Alaska | NOAA Fisheries
US Fish and Wildlife Service Alaska Region
Bureau of Land Management Alaska
- Assessment Inventory and Monitoring Strategy
- Alaska Pipeline Monitoring (Trans-Alaska Pipeline System)
Alaska Department of Natural Resources
State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources for essential and critical habitats
Alaska Department of Fish and Game